Payday Advance Loans

Quick Online Application

You don’t have to wait to get paid, get fast cash advance loan now without a bank account!

Where ever you are

Get your cash advance loan approved online anywhere in Belize

Directly to your card

Express money wiring directly to your bank account or E-wallet.

Fast and Secure

Our loan process is easy, secure, and confidential!

Get a cash right now!

Follow this easy steps to get a speedy payday advance!
Icon | Fill Application

Fill in an application form

on our website

Approval for a bank loan may take days or weeks and include stacks of documents – and you have to wait in line for approval.

Instead of driving around wasting gas,  you could file your application online from the comfort of your own home – in only 5- minutes!

Contact Us if you Have Questions

We’ve helped many people with unforeseen expenses such as medical bills or family emergencies with payday advance loans.

With only proof of employment, residence and social security, you have access to quick loans.

Icon | Wallet Cash
Icon | Cash Bag

Receive your money in the most

convenient way in 15 minutes

  • No bank account needed!
  • Receive your loan transfer to your bank.
  • Money is also transferable to your e-wallet.
  • There are no complex rules to qualify for a payday loan.
  • Simply apply for a payday advance loan and get up to $500.

PayDay is the right choice for you if:

you are 18 or older

The minimun age to use our service is 18.

you have a regular income

You have been employed for at least 90 days consecutively or
have income every month whether it be form work or benefits.

You have Belize Social Security Number

You are working in Belize and can present a valid Social Security Card.

Why people choose us

We offer the easiest and fastest way to cash advances in Belize

Loans up to

Payday loans are easily obtained, small principal loans structured for people who need quick, easy cash to hold them over until payday.

How it works?

Fair Loan

Access cash advances at low risk! We offer loans with no collateral, which means you are not directly putting your personal property at risk.

How it works?

Easy Credit

Quick loans are typically due within a few weeks to a month. Top your bills and easily manage your payment plan schedule with us.

How it works?